Archive | May 2016

It’s time!

Today is the big day. The Forgiving is available on Amazon for free for the first time.

Here is the link: The Forgiving


The-Forgiving-cover-finalA bit more about The Forgiving:

This is my debut novel. It’s an unconventional horror story about three lovers trying to make a life together. They are skeptics, living in Portland, and as a way to save cash, they seek out a real estate agency that specializes in poltergeist activity.

Thanks for all the help and happy reading!

Update as of noon:

Things are going well so far. #9!


Update as of 5 PM:

We are in the top 6 in Ghosts & Haunted Houses!


The Forgiving will be FREE tomorrow.

The Forgiving will be available tomorrow on Amazon for free for the first time. I’m hoping to get as many people as I can to download it on that day, Memorial Day.


If you have already acquired The Forgiving some other way than Amazon in the past, I would love if you could download it for free on Amazon tomorrow.

The more people that download my book on that day, the more people are likely to see it on Amazon as it rises up the rankings.

Here is a link to where it will be on sale: The Forgiving

If you don’t have a Kindle, no problem. Please still download it on your Amazon account. You can then read it on your computer, phone, or tablet with the free Kindle app.

Thank you so much for your help.

Hillary vs. Trump

I don’t make political posts here, but I’ve realized I don’t have a good reason. It’s time for things to change. Too much is at stake to remain silent.

If you don’t support Hillary, Trump will win. Telling the truth about Hillary will only result in a Republican presidency. This has been the argument when Bernie Sanders first announced, and it is the argument now. It has tricked a lot of people into supporting Hillary, even though they thought Bernie was the better candidate. We can’t succumb to fear tactics anymore.

Saying you will back Hillary Clinton no matter what isn’t the best way to get her to represent our interests, especially at this point in the processes. All Hillary has to do is represent us, and she will get our votes. No Democrat wants Trump to win. Is that too much to ask from an elected official? She must earn our vote.

“You can increase Fracking and climate change; we’ll vote for you no matter how much you want to doom the planet. You have corporate interests to satisfy!” That’s our battle cry? We have to be better than that.

The DNC has selected one of the least liked Democrats to be our only choice for president. Is it the people’s fault if Trump gets elected when the DNC actively usurps the will of the people?

We are not endorsing Trump by stating Hillary’s record; we are just willing to take an honest look at reality.

Settling for the lesser of two evils has already brought us to the edge of an unlivable planet and nuclear annihilation. Hillary has shown little to no interest in keeping us from falling off that edge. Bernie must be president, or we must force Hillary to be far more like Bernie (meaning dealing with legalized corruption in government). At this point, those two desperate options seem to be our only chance at survival. And they are only first steps.

Music Monday 5/23

Here is a nice bit of horror.

There is more music on my twitter @WesleyMCraw.

Music Monday 5/16

Music from Neko Case, k.d. lang, and Laura Veirs.

James Blake feat. Bon Iver, “I Need a Forest Fire”:

This video is worth watching even if you aren’t a fan of Coldplay

Music Monday 5/9 #Radiohead

This was hard to miss if you were on the internet recently but I thought I should post it because House of Cabal Volume Two: Estate makes a reference to The Wicker Man.

And here is the new Radiohead video directed by Paul Thomas Anderson.

Brief Pose will not be done by June 20th.

If you want something to be good, it often takes as long as it takes.

It is possible Brief Pose could be done on time, but quite a few things could cause that not to happen. I’m not going to sacrifice quality, and I’m not going to let myself off the hook.

Brief Pose is a tricky novel, structurally and thematically, that hits hard on a lot of personal issues of mine. Working on the novel, living in that world of depression and isolation, takes a lot out of me. There is a certain amount of bleeding onto the page that I can’t fake. For the work to be honest, I may need to make breakthroughs in my real life so that I can authentically portray the resolution. It’s not a novel I can just work on, non-stop, until I reach the finish line, like I can with much of my other work.

That is why I am also working on The Queen in Yellow. I can craft self-contained short stories when an idea strikes me and then go back to Brief Pose when I’m in the right frame of mind.

I’ve finished three short stories and I’m working on a few others. I would like to release The Queen in Yellow after I have ten. How long that will take is another mystery.

Music Monday 5/2

Here is something lighter than normal.