Archive | October 2016

Brief Pose is #2 in Free LGBT Science Fiction on Amazon.

Thank you, everyone.

Brief Pose has reached the goal I was aiming for: to get in the top three in free LGBT Science Fiction. Not only  is it in the top three, but we hit number two!


It’s a little hard to compete with the complete works of Oscar Wilde, but reaching number two is good enough for me. Thanks for helping me get there. If you still haven’t downloaded a copy of Brief Pose, now is your chance. Download a free copy HERE.

Brief Pose has officially been released.

To mark Brief Pose’s official release today, it’s free on Amazon.

Thank you, everyone that has downloaded it today. It’s #4 in the free LGBT sci-fi category already!

Can you help me get it a little higher?


I’ve worked on Brief Pose for eight years. I’m happy you finally get a chance to read it.

Give it a shot. It’s free only for the next few days. All I ask in return is that once you finish reading it, give it a review and recommend it to your friends.

Here is the link to download it for free from Amazon. You can read it on any device by downloading the free Kindle app.

Thanks again for your support!